Configuring the B03 Branch Office ip|engine

B03 is connected to the Data Center through one tunnel over the MPLS private network.

Identifying the ip|engine

After the B03 ip|engine with the 'SN123445' Serial Number (and its Model/Version information) has been automatically provisioned in the SD-WAN Orchestrator from the ZTP Server, as indicated via the sign, it appears under the 'Not Configured' tab of the Network -> Configuration window.

Refer to the procedure described in "Configuring the B01 Branch Office ip|engine" to identify the ip|engine as follows:

Configuring the LAN

As a second step, configure the B03 ip|engine LAN which includes one physical interface. Refer to "Use Case 2" diagram (LAN information is displayed in blue) and to the procedure describing B01 ip|engine LAN configuration to define the following parameters. Do not specify any VRRP settings.

Configuring the WAN

As a third step, configure the WAN linked to the B03 ip|engine: MPLS. Refer to "Use Case 2" diagram where WAN1 (MPLS) details are displayed in green. Also refer to the configuration procedure of B02 ip|engine WAN2 to define the following parameters:

Also see how to configure:

a multi-ip|engine Branch Office Site

traffic redirection to an external gateway

traffic redirection to a web security gateway

traffic redirection to EdgeSentry

a multi-ip|engine Data Center